METT 管弦楽団
Music Ensemble of Toko & Todai-Fuzoku
1978年(昭和53年) より年1回の演奏会が定期化される。
1988年(昭和63年)管弦楽団・合唱団それぞれをMETT管弦楽団・METT合唱団(METT=Music Ensemble of Toko & Todai-Fuzoku)に改称。
1997年(平成9年)9月 第1回スプリングコンサートを開催。 管弦楽団単独でのコンサートとして以後定期化。
2002年(平成14年)10月 なかのZEROホールにて第25回定期演奏会を開催。朝比奈隆氏追悼としてベートーヴェン交響曲第7番「第2楽章」演奏。
2016年(平成28年)10月 ウイーンフィルのメンバー3名が当団を訪問。交流会が開かれる。
2019年(平成31年)2月 第12回アンサンブル大会、ウイーンフィルのチェロ奏者5名が来訪。
2020年(令和2年)2月 第14回アンサンブル大会開催。
(See below for the English translation. )
私たちMETT管弦楽団は、東京都内で活動するアマチュア・オーケストラです。由来は古く、戦前の旧制東京高等学校(東高)音楽部の流れを汲む大変歴史ある楽団です。そのため、団員の年齢層が高いことが当団の特長のひとつとなっておりますが、現在は幅広くメンバーを募っており、各大学オーケストラの出身者を中心に、20歳代から80歳代までの熱心な同好の士で構成されています。練習会場は、主に千代田区麹町。 現在、春のスプリングコンサートと秋の定期演奏会を中心に活動しています。
About METT
METT, an amateur orchestra based in Central Tokyo, is an establishment boasting a long history that dates back to the music club of pre-war Tokyo High School called “Toko." Therefore, the average age of our members is characteristically high, but now we include a wide range of serious music lovers of diverse ages ranging from 20s to 80s. We are recruiting new personnel of various ages and backgrounds, in most cases from among the graduates of university orchestras. The venue for our practice is in Kojimachi in the Chiyoda Ward of Tokyo. We annually play two concerts, Spring Concert in spring and Regular Concert in autumn.
Our orchestra consists of:
graduates of Tokyo High School; graduates of The University of Tokyo Orchestra; graduates of Todai-Fuzoku High School; graduates of Wagner Society Orchestra of Keio University; graduates of Waseda Symphony Orchestra Tokyo; ex-members of Chogin Orchestra; ex-members of JR Orchestra; family members or friends of the members
With extras from other orchestras, ex-professionals, and semi-professionals, we constitute a full orchestra of about 80 players.
Outline of the History of METT
1959: The graduates of the music club of Tokyo High School founded the Music Club of Toko, which was the name of the orchestra before it was called METT
1978: The first Regular Concert.
1988: The orchestra and the chorus section changed their name to METT (Music Ensemble of Toko & Todai-Fuzoku). The orchestra became METT orchestra, and the chorus section became METT Chorus.
1997: The first Spring Concert. Spring Concert is held independent of METT Chorus, with which the orchestra played Regular Concerts. Spring Concerts have become annual concerts since.
2002: At the 25th Regular Concert held at Nakano Zero, our orchestra played the second movement of Beethoven, Symphony No. 7, a tribute to the memory of the late Takashi Asahina, one of the founding members of the music club of Tokyo High School.
2016: Three members of Wiener Philharmoniker visited our practice session.
2019: The 12th Ensemble Concert. Five members of the cello section of Wiener Philharmoniker visited and played with us.
2020: The 14th Ensemble Concert.
We have dedicated ourselves to music to the present day.